Friday, May 15, 2009

celebrity day

A good day on the bike was had by Pam & I. We were working with a lady from Cape Cod to do a bike tour while she was in town for a conference. We were discussing some options and settled on putting her on the back of our tandem trike recumbent. We picked her up at the Hyatt downtown and went on a super 3 hour tour. When we dropped her off, we were chatting in the courtyard and Evander Holyfield walks by with his possie! As George Costanza said, he is a good looking man. Moments later, a black escalade with blacked out windows pulls up, security swarms the SUV, and Usher comes out all smiles. He gave us a nod a checked out our trikes. So we take off and decide to take PATH back thru the Freedom Parkway when we see Rosalyn and Jimmy Carter walking  near the Carter Center. (2 Secret Service walking 10 steps back). Jimmy was interested in our vehicle, gave us a smile and a nod and I said, "hey, Jimmy!"  We should of stopped or gone back, but chose not too. Who are we gonna see next??

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